stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Nothing yet?
So can we find one of that kind?
-> tony_: its complicated.
Speedometer show you rotation of engine,
tachometer show you your speed.
Speedometer show you rotation of engine,
tachometer show you your speed.

-> tony_:
gryzly still talk about rotation counter, polish is much better than czech
gryzly still talk about rotation counter, polish is much better than czech
i want a rotation counter not a speedometer....

-> tony_: I think Polish is better, its from Lumel company. Needle rock less.
Needle of Czech PAL speedometer is unquiet.
Needle of Czech PAL speedometer is unquiet.
what is the difference between them?
Which is better?
Which is better?
Krom toho co píšou ostatní se můžeš podivat na otáčkoměr PAL. Má na ciferníku to samí.
Krom toho co píšou ostatní se můžeš podivat na otáčkoměr PAL. Má na ciferníku to samí.
-> Tampajs: "1/min" se čte za minutu. je to jako zlomek. navrchu je hodnota uterou to ukazuje když by to mělo být tři tisíce otáček tak: 30 x 100 x 1 lomeno minuty
-> U-Geen: Čehož sem si samozřejmě nevšiml

-> Tampajs: a nasobit stem umis?
-> Gryzly: Když na to tak koukám tak ty poláci dělaj kraviny chtěl bych vidět motor kterej má takovýhle otáčky :D 1/min a stupnice po 10 20 30 40 to by tam mělo vejt 1000 2000 3000

-> Matsoft: to by byl rotating counter. On myslel budík s počítadlem otáček.
Ale napsal to dosti krkolomně.
Ale napsal to dosti krkolomně.
-> tony_: the problem is.... do you want Czech or Polish?
yes that is what i want.
Does someone sell such a thing?
I really need one...
Does someone sell such a thing?
I really need one...
-> Gryzly: myslim ze mysli pocitadlo km.. rotation counter-otacejici se pocitadlo... 

Where could i find a rotation counter watch and at what price aprox...
Mine broke down and i read it`s hard to repair such thing :(
Mine broke down and i read it`s hard to repair such thing :(
-> tony_: web translator:
piston = píst
piston set = pístní sada
pistin ping= pístní kroužek (pístní kroužky)
crankshaft = klikový hřídel
camshaft = vačkový hřídel
block = blok
head = hlava
ignition distributor = rozdělovač
carburettor = karburátor
exhaust = výfuk
clutch= spojka
piston = píst
piston set = pístní sada
pistin ping= pístní kroužek (pístní kroužky)
crankshaft = klikový hřídel
camshaft = vačkový hřídel
block = blok
head = hlava
ignition distributor = rozdělovač
carburettor = karburátor
exhaust = výfuk
clutch= spojka
An engine set for the 135 engine
Hello! What information can you provide me with the site
I`ve visited the site myself but i couldn`t understand too much.
I would like to buy from them an engine set (pistons, rings....) . Can you provide me with some names for general parts?
It would be possible for post sending?
I`ve visited the site myself but i couldn`t understand too much.
I would like to buy from them an engine set (pistons, rings....) . Can you provide me with some names for general parts?
It would be possible for post sending?
-> tony_: Black color is for Skoda 105. Skoda 130 has brown (bronze) color of Skoda logo.
Skoda 105-120LS has cylinders OO OO and skoda 130-136 has cylinders OOOO.
Skoda 130L(GL) has 43kW => 43/8.8*12 = 58,6HP :)
Doufam, ze sem pochopil na co se pta a ze on pochopi co mu pisu
Ja a AJ nejsme kamaradi 
Skoda 105-120LS has cylinders OO OO and skoda 130-136 has cylinders OOOO.
Skoda 130L(GL) has 43kW => 43/8.8*12 = 58,6HP :)
Doufam, ze sem pochopil na co se pta a ze on pochopi co mu pisu

-> tony_: look there:
130 had compression ratio 9,7
135 had compression ratio 8,8
136 had compression ratio 9,7
But head 130 and 135/136 aren't changeable, there is diferent numbers of screw holes.
130 had compression ratio 9,7
135 had compression ratio 8,8
136 had compression ratio 9,7
But head 130 and 135/136 aren't changeable, there is diferent numbers of screw holes.
-> tony_:

same compression ratio as 135 ? (8.8:1)
Is just the cylinder head changed (isn`t alloy)
I presume 58 i right?
Is just the cylinder head changed (isn`t alloy)
I presume 58 i right?
-> tony_: 43 kW
black is for 105, for 130 is brown
black is for 105, for 130 is brown
hello again ....
A new question for you...
A friend has a Skoda 130L (GL) from `87 can you tell me how many hp does it have?
What cylinder head hould it have? it had one with a black Skoda logo... is it right?
Why are the cylinders in line? like 0000?
Thanks and hope to get an answer...
A new question for you...
A friend has a Skoda 130L (GL) from `87 can you tell me how many hp does it have?
What cylinder head hould it have? it had one with a black Skoda logo... is it right?
Why are the cylinders in line? like 0000?
Thanks and hope to get an answer...

do you know any for sale?Price? pictures...
-> tony_: SKODA 136
Sedan type

i would like something with 4 doors (saloon) something...
More suggestions?
More suggestions?
-> tony_: Skoda 136, Rapid 136 

I reffer to a newer 120 type with spare lamps...or what do you recomand?
Hello friends....
I have a serious problem.... :( i`ve had some unpleasent problem with my car......someone crashed into me :(
I would like a new skoda (prefer to be white) to replace my old one more simple
Can you help me with such task?
Than`s again
I have a serious problem.... :( i`ve had some unpleasent problem with my car......someone crashed into me :(
I would like a new skoda (prefer to be white) to replace my old one more simple
Can you help me with such task?
Than`s again
-> FORM: Ono stačí když je to měřeno podle jiné normy
-> tony_: Which carburator is on your engine?
SEDR or somwthink different?
SEDR or somwthink different?
-> tony_: probably it is an error, but you can have some special unknown version :-))
in my papers is written 45 kw and engine type 135.....
What should i think?
What should i think?
-> petr s: Ten má 46 ne?
what should i look afterto be certain?
it can be? the serial number of the engine is like this...xxxxxxx-135-
What can you tell me about it?
What can you tell me about it?
-> tony_: motor 136
in my papers is written 45 there an error?
-> tony_: 43 kW = 58.4637 HP
Hello dear friends again...
How many hp does a Skoda 135 GL have?
What improovements can be made to it to obtain more power?
How many hp does a Skoda 135 GL have?
What improovements can be made to it to obtain more power?
Can someone help me to find a newer shell than the one below? at what price? Thanks
-> tony_: no, old type is not ready for building 5speed gearbox.
it looks good but can my friend mount a five speed gearbox on it? without any modifications?
He would like somtething newer to mount on it the 5 speed gearbox without any problems....
Can you help me to find something like this for him?
Thank for you support....
He would like somtething newer to mount on it the 5 speed gearbox without any problems....
Can you help me to find something like this for him?
Thank for you support....
car is dirty outside, but if it will be washed and polished it will be nice. rust is only minor as you can see. only on top or left back door - scratched color, and rear grill - again due to scratch in color.