-> Tommi S: so how is it running?
Has anything desintegrated yet or is it running fine? :D
I suppose that you have it tuned by now so I was wondering if you could give me a glimpse of how much boost and timing are you running?
I'm also currently building a turbo project so I would really appreciate if you'd share some experience since you have been running it for some time yet.
stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Skoda Garde Coupe -1983
-My new project
I'am planning to fix this car before summer. It has been standing last 7 years in the field and has got some rust and other problems.
I will keep this pretty original looking but with some little changes. I think it will be great summer car =) And these Garde Coupes are pretty rare here in Finland so its very nice.
Please comments in English or Finnish =)
More pictures about this project
s5.photobucket.com/albums /.../Skoda%20Garde%20Coupe %20-83
And my another car
skoda-virt.cz/cz/.../142- tommi-s-rapid
-My new project
I'am planning to fix this car before summer. It has been standing last 7 years in the field and has got some rust and other problems.
I will keep this pretty original looking but with some little changes. I think it will be great summer car =) And these Garde Coupes are pretty rare here in Finland so its very nice.
Please comments in English or Finnish =)
More pictures about this project
s5.photobucket.com/albums /.../Skoda%20Garde%20Coupe %20-83
And my another car
skoda-virt.cz/cz/.../142- tommi-s-rapid
Tommi / Skoda Garde Turbo - komentáře:
wooohoooo :D next turbo project, boost is very nice 

-> Tommi S: Next nice skoda turbo's Car :)
-> Tommi S: It's fine.
Thanks for the information. For start I'm going to use a stock Skoda 105 distributor. But in a future I will make an electronic ignition control with ATmega 8 and 8kB eeprom where will be a preignition data + corection for Boost. Do you know where I can find a characteristics of Volvo distributor? Thanks for next informations. 
p.s. I'm sorry my english isn't very well.

p.s. I'm sorry my english isn't very well.

-> Marcius: I cant say anything sure about the ignition regulator because i would have to take the car in the rolling road to really see the results of my modified distributor. But, first i had the stock one in place and it worked good too. But as i'am afraid of knocking i wanted the regulator that works with boost. And its taken from Volvo 200-series turbo distributor. And also seems to work good on the road.
next nice car from you :)
nice car 

-> Tommi S: OK, it's fine
. And what can you say me about your ignition distributor? Does it works with vacuum preignition regulator or special pressured regulator(It has Renault 5 GT Turbo...)?

-> Marcius: You are absolutely right. At first pictures i have it in wrong place but i have forgot to mention about it. But for exaple in oil cooler picture i have already taken the pressure before the throttle, from the pressure box. And then it works correctly. When the pressure was taken from intake manifold, it didnt work right.
-> Tommi S: Hi, I think the pressure of air to control of the fuel pressure regulator should be connect before the throttle of carburettor. I saw it on your photos (you have connect it after throttle). What do you think about it?
P.s. It's great work.... Super engine.. I build the turbocharged engine too. It's engine from felicia 136 (50kW BMM) with turbo BMW TD04 (for start... Will be T3 turbo). I rebuild a carburettor Jikov 32 BS (from skoda 100).
I'm inquisitive on your videos....
P.s. It's great work.... Super engine.. I build the turbocharged engine too. It's engine from felicia 136 (50kW BMM) with turbo BMW TD04 (for start... Will be T3 turbo). I rebuild a carburettor Jikov 32 BS (from skoda 100).
I'm inquisitive on your videos....
-> Bc. Shatter: Hi, Cooler working fine. Fuel problem is also solved, and car runs good now. But still having problems conrolling the boost. I makes too big peak at the start of acceleration. I will have to try to adjust the wastegate. I should also go to Rolling road to get the Dellorto properly adjusted but...so much to do and no time... But i havent forgot doing the video...its coming some day 

-> Tommi S: hi, oil cooler working fine?
-> Alenka: Sorry, i dont have any pictures about the adapter but its made by hand with some grinding tools. So its not CNC machined 

Great job on the engine :)
Do you have any closer pictures of that turbo adapter? Is it CNC machined?
Do you have any closer pictures of that turbo adapter? Is it CNC machined?
Good job Tommi, it looks really sports car!
-> Tommi S: thanks
im trying to do something similar with my lights..but for now its TOP SECRET
..and this oil cooler stuff is cool

..and this oil cooler stuff is cool

Very nice car!!
-> Bc. Shatter: Yes, i have 2 fuel pumps. The first one (low pressure pump) delivers the fuel to the surge tank, and the high pressure continues there to the pressure regulator and then to carburettor.
And about the rear lights. There is just clear plastic piece cutted from some very old hella lights. They have "E" acceptance and original "Hella" logo too
But no, they are not legal
But i dont like the look with the red reflex glass in the bottom row of the rear light so i did it like this.
And about the rear lights. There is just clear plastic piece cutted from some very old hella lights. They have "E" acceptance and original "Hella" logo too

-> Tuner#2: -> gabo000000: OK..thanks 

-> Tuner#2: ja pisem tiez o serii......neuvedomujete si ze k comu je co dobre....videl si uz fabkovu hlavu? porovnaval si ju s MPi? fabka ma len mensie kanaliky....o tvarovanie tam ani nejde... a este velka vyhoda fabky su voditka