stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Skoda Garde Coupe -1983
-My new project
I'am planning to fix this car before summer. It has been standing last 7 years in the field and has got some rust and other problems.
I will keep this pretty original looking but with some little changes. I think it will be great summer car =) And these Garde Coupes are pretty rare here in Finland so its very nice.
Please comments in English or Finnish =)
More pictures about this project
s5.photobucket.com/albums /.../Skoda%20Garde%20Coupe %20-83
And my another car
skoda-virt.cz/cz/.../142- tommi-s-rapid
-My new project
I'am planning to fix this car before summer. It has been standing last 7 years in the field and has got some rust and other problems.
I will keep this pretty original looking but with some little changes. I think it will be great summer car =) And these Garde Coupes are pretty rare here in Finland so its very nice.
Please comments in English or Finnish =)
More pictures about this project
s5.photobucket.com/albums /.../Skoda%20Garde%20Coupe %20-83
And my another car
skoda-virt.cz/cz/.../142- tommi-s-rapid
Tommi / Skoda Garde Turbo - komentáře:
-> Tommi S: good job man!!! 


-> Nwkt: Yes, it is a summer car but the problem is that i dont have a proper garage for the car to winter. I have to figure something out 

-> Tommi S: Nice work again
I think this corrosion fix will last for a long time especially for summer car. I'm goint to sandblast my Garde too

I think this corrosion fix will last for a long time especially for summer car. I'm goint to sandblast my Garde too

-> Nwkt: Sorry that i have not replied. I've been very busy. By corrosion fix i mean that i have tried to cut off all the rust and weld healthy sheet metal to replace the rust. I have also sandblasted some difficult rust spots that i did not want to cut off.
But anyway as i said i dont expect it to be everlasting fix but i hope that the rust will keep away little while =)
-> To All: I have just added 27 project pictures to my photobucket. So take a look if you're intrested.
But anyway as i said i dont expect it to be everlasting fix but i hope that the rust will keep away little while =)
-> To All: I have just added 27 project pictures to my photobucket. So take a look if you're intrested.
-> Tommi S: What kind of corrosion fix have you done?
I think the rust will come back in some point. And i cant do anything about it. I've done the corrosion fix as good as i can. Now we can just wait how long it will stay good 

Tuner#2 09.07.08 16:29:17 napsal: Akorát bych se bál tolika flíčků, že to pak brzo vyleze zas venHe said that he would be afraid of point corrosion, it could appear again.
very nice -> Tuner#2: 

Wow, color is very nice. Akorát bych se bál tolika flíčků, že to pak brzo vyleze zas ven, ale to už přeložit neumím :-)
-> Tommi S: Nice work 

-> Mároš: Please comments in English or Finnish =) 

Ahoj kdyby se ti chtělo zaregistruj se na garde.plivnik.cz/ radi te tam uvidíme.
-> Nwkt: I think you're right. But good to know this fact. I have always thought that these old-style belts are there from factory. But they really can be assebled here in Finland. Or then for the export cars like you said.
-> Tommi S: I haven't seen yours system from Garde anywhere in CZ, maybe it was for export or local dealer assembled it
-> Nwkt: Yes, i have those in my rapid. But Garde is older and it has got those oldstyle seatbelts. Many old Skodas that i have seen has got these oldstyle seatbelts. I dont know the year when they changed but anyway there are two different seatbelt systems

-> Nwkt: thanks ... one photo for million words :)
-> Tommi S: Normal are there

-> U-Geen: Hmm...i think that they are just normal old style "things" You just put the belt behind the stick and close it. And release is from the button. It could be that is just dont get it what you mean