stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Skoda Garde Coupe -1983
-My new project
I'am planning to fix this car before summer. It has been standing last 7 years in the field and has got some rust and other problems.
I will keep this pretty original looking but with some little changes. I think it will be great summer car =) And these Garde Coupes are pretty rare here in Finland so its very nice.
Please comments in English or Finnish =)
More pictures about this project /.../Skoda%20Garde%20Coupe %20-83
And my another car tommi-s-rapid
-My new project
I'am planning to fix this car before summer. It has been standing last 7 years in the field and has got some rust and other problems.
I will keep this pretty original looking but with some little changes. I think it will be great summer car =) And these Garde Coupes are pretty rare here in Finland so its very nice.
Please comments in English or Finnish =)
More pictures about this project /.../Skoda%20Garde%20Coupe %20-83
And my another car tommi-s-rapid
Tommi / Skoda Garde Turbo - komentáře:
-> gabo000000: 1,3MPI má lépe tvarované kanály už v sérii. Nebavím se o upravených. Ale zapoměl jsem, píšu blbosti, já vím...
-> Tuner#2: ani to nie je celkom pravda
-> Bc. Shatter: Není v sérii má horší kanály jak MPI hlava se 7mm ventilem...
-> Bc. Shatter: vôbec nemusi byt....vsetky hlavy sa robia podla vaciek

-> gabo000000: a neni fabia hlava zas o kus lepsia jak felda??
-> Bc. Shatter: ty sa tak vyznas v hlavach ze tak smelo radis?
-> Tommi S: sorry about the have two of them?....yeah, mpi head are little "better", but FABIA 1.4MPI head is even better
and a little question: what is it in the place of the reflex glass on the rear lights?

and a little question: what is it in the place of the reflex glass on the rear lights?
-> Bc. Shatter: As said Megasquirt is fully programmable injection unit and it can handle fuel and spark. I think that is has the best price/quality ratio so its the way to go. MPI engine could be very good starting point for the new engine. I've heard that it has better head as a stock already.
At the moment i have some problems with fuel delivery, I think the other fuel pump is broken and car is off the road...
At the moment i have some problems with fuel delivery, I think the other fuel pump is broken and car is off the road...

-> havlik: very interesting
-> Bc. Shatter:
-> havlik: thanks...something like MoTeC?...skoda garde with MoTeC...that would be...SHOCKING

-> Bc. Shatter: megasquirt is full programable stand alone unit
-> Tommi S: understand :) ... and what about the "megasquirt"
what will you use..MPi from felicia? 

-> Bc. Shatter: I must say that this is just practice. This is the first engine that i build all by myself with the "book of lies" meaning the Haynes repair book
But with next engine i will stop fooling around with the carburetors and will go for megasquirt and 8-channel head. Nothing wrong with the dellorto or weber but injection is the next move to make. But as i said, I'am just learning things with this engine. 

-> Tommi S: wow man, absolutely stunning!..respect
i am wondering why you didnt use the 8 channel engine (135/136)

-> P@wlos: I try to make a film. But now i'am waiting for oil cooler so it will take some time. But it seems to be running pretty good. 

-> Tommi S:
It´s very good work... Have you any movies about this car in action? please...

-> Eidy: Air pressure goes to carburettor from the box. There is three holes in the box. Also rubber gaskets between the box and carburetor. You can see the hole that i'am talking about in this picture
.../tlk2d-a%20copy.jpg You can find the same from weber dcoe. I also took a picture but it doesnt help much cause i dont want to seperate the box and carburetor anymore /.../dellortodhla.jpg /.../dellortodhla.jpg
-> Tommi S: Yes, I see that box. And yes, I mean air pressure into the carburator. Did you drill some hole into? I have Weber so I don't know Dellorto very much.
Flow chamber means (I hope) room were the fuel is.
Flow chamber means (I hope) room were the fuel is.
-> Eidy: I try to remember to take pictures. I'am not all sure what you mean by flow chamber but as you can see i build a box to the carburator, where the air evens to both throats, and to inside the carburator.
-> Tuner#2:
-> Tuner#2: