stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Skoda Garde Coupe -1983
-My new project
I'am planning to fix this car before summer. It has been standing last 7 years in the field and has got some rust and other problems.
I will keep this pretty original looking but with some little changes. I think it will be great summer car =) And these Garde Coupes are pretty rare here in Finland so its very nice.
Please comments in English or Finnish =)
More pictures about this project /.../Skoda%20Garde%20Coupe %20-83
And my another car tommi-s-rapid
-My new project
I'am planning to fix this car before summer. It has been standing last 7 years in the field and has got some rust and other problems.
I will keep this pretty original looking but with some little changes. I think it will be great summer car =) And these Garde Coupes are pretty rare here in Finland so its very nice.
Please comments in English or Finnish =)
More pictures about this project /.../Skoda%20Garde%20Coupe %20-83
And my another car tommi-s-rapid
Tommi / Skoda Garde Turbo - komentáře:
-> Kristian: Yep, Skoda 130 engine
Beautiful garde. Engine are škoda 130 ?

Still looking awesome!
-> vlastˇa: 

very nice garde

So beautiful

Ja som vam to hovoril uz davno, ze tu nema co robit. Videl som vsetko ale taky pokus o nemecko anglicko slovensko cesky text este nie
-> Tomaso435: na a ne

-> Tomaso435:

-> MimiMB: proč si delete your text? , now to vypadá, že it write já as kokot 

toto neee 

-> Tomaso435: 

-> Tomaso435:

-> MimiMB: dear pyčo, your engliš is very wrong. špatná vole. this text is naprostá katastrofa. Your teacher na angličtinu is solidní prase, when tě to naučila takhle poorly.
well done, sir 

I have to confess, that You´ve got a sense of detail. Your cars have very good external appearance.
Is there a problem for You to get car part?
I have to confess, that You´ve got a sense of detail. Your cars have very good external appearance.
Is there a problem for You to get car part?
Klobuk dole to z čoho vzniklo čo... moc pekné to máš :)