stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
II.ŠkodaTransylvania Fest 2018
správce: TT_daniel / nahrával: TT_daniel / Campu Cetatii (rumunsko) / srazy škodovek / 21.07.2018 / počet fotek: 121do oblíbených
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To vypada na zajímavou akci chtělo by to pak dát předem vědět termín pokud to budou opakovat :o)))
We are very happy that we have meet and i hope that you have enjoy the time spent in Romania and also the time spent at Skoda Transylvania fest. The event was pretty small compare with the events from SK or CZ but i hope the quality of the event was good . All the best wishes to you guys and i hope in the near future we can return the favor and visit you in SK and participate on a skoda event :)
Oana & Andrei
Oana & Andrei