-> Köny:
Szia, Mi újság.
stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
My car is beige J-reg Skoda Rapid 135RiC. It was produced in December 1989 but it was taken into use more than 2 years later, in 1992. It's still in her original condition, just like she left the AZNP Kvasiny factory 18 years ago. It has 66000 miles on the clock and it's fitted with the famous Bendix/Renix system and a 3 way Walker catalytic converter. I bought the car in the UK in June, 2006. She was well serviced through the years, I have even the service stamps in the car's log book. The abbreviation RiC stands for Rapid Injection Coupé. Approximately 400 pieces were produced and they were exported to the UK (135RiC) and Austria (135Ri Coupé). The car had cost 106.000 ATS in 1989 in Austria. Now she's a real collector's item, not too many RiCs have remained unmodified, most of them were converted to the carburetor version due to the lack of spare parts. Original parts are very hard to find now, only few of them are available as new from Renault dealers and as "new old stock" from eBay sellers.
Köny 135RiC - komentáře:
I'm back again!![6](//img.skoda-virt.cz/x-smajlici/6.gif)
-> Köny: nice original car!!!!
My car has been fully refurbished a few months ago. I'll post some new pix of it, soon!
My car has been fully refurbished a few months ago. I'll post some new pix of it, soon!
-> Köny: sills can be used from Skoda 120, but you must do some modifications for use it on Rapid ...
-> Tuxik:
Rumour has it, that for instance inner and outer sills are impossible to obtain even in your country.:o(
Rumour has it, that for instance inner and outer sills are impossible to obtain even in your country.:o(
-> Lui-G: Your English is very good, we understand You. If we can, we could help You
-> Pitrys: skoda.stable.cz/cz/index.
????chlapi kdy mají ten sraz v Madarsku?A jedete tam někdo?
-> Lui-G: Matsoft and some people from skoda.virt.cz will go to Hungary meeting in august, write which things do you need, and we will fetch it along :-)
In czech and slovak republic there is many spare part to Skoda cars, but some parts (eg. to RiC or GLi) is almost impossible to buy..
In czech and slovak republic there is many spare part to Skoda cars, but some parts (eg. to RiC or GLi) is almost impossible to buy..
Karlos, Kuko, Matsoft and everybody ...
Can you help me?
I need some things for my Rapid.
If you can help me i write the list which things,parts needing or missing for me.
Sorry, but my englis is very badly.
Can you help me?
I need some things for my Rapid.
If you can help me i write the list which things,parts needing or missing for me.
Sorry, but my englis is very badly.
Kony---thanks for engine motor,You have a nice rarity 135RiC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
-> Pitrys:
Now engine pictures are available!
Now engine pictures are available!
-> Karlos:
Thank you Karlos!
Thank you Karlos!
Hy Köny!
Végre én is idetaláltam!
Végre én is idetaláltam!
-> kuko:
Sikerül jelentkezned az egri találkozóra?
Sikerül jelentkezned az egri találkozóra?
Kony---where is foto engine?
karlos---tak to je raritka v originále,co?!!!!!!!!!!!!
-> Köny: Oh my. This RiC is beautifull, I ve allready seen it in Your Hungarian pages. Absolutley wonderfull car