lights are from 2007> vw passat, only the LED and part holder remain
all the shell and rest i made
i will youtube when working
(google CZ translation)
Světla jsou od roku 2007> VW Passat, pouze LED a část držáku zůstane
všechny shell a zbytek se i
budu youtube při práci
stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
some pics of my 135 Ric, also have S100 (on this site) 120L and S110R,
135 ric, U.K. - komentáře:
-> afro100: pravda 

co su to za svetla?

-> castrol: sak nevie ani po slovensky :D:D:D
-> Stuart324: skus mu to napisat po anglicky

-> wambobby: Hi,can I see you your big and small registration papers?Thanks Petr
Another S110R rear wing for sale in uk ING-FOR-SKODA-S110R-BRAND- NEW-read-script_W0QQitemZ3 50022644430QQihZ022QQcateg oryZ100919QQssPageNameZWDV WQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem ING-FOR-SKODA-S110R-BRAND- NEW-read-script_W0QQitemZ3 50022644430QQihZ022QQcateg oryZ100919QQssPageNameZWDV WQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
on ebay uk
, some one found found a new front flitch panel (inner wing), i missed that one

wow, new back 110 R fender, where did you find him?
"ducks" meteors WHERE aghhhhh, "looks to the sky"................
.oh, the wheels are called meteor, LOL

-> wambobby: oh another Meteor II... thats a pitty, I dont have any friend in London...
maybe Eddie still in England... I will send him SMS and he maybe take them.

i put pic of the wheels on the 120 so you exactly which ones lol
i have the glass thanks
the rapid alloys are free, one guy has said he will take them but wants the tyres removed first, i've not yet had time to get them removed
anyone wanting the 6 rapid alloys can collect them free from north london, although i will have to ask if the other guy still wants them as he said first, i'd prefer them taken with tires, saves me getting them removed
the rapid alloys are free, one guy has said he will take them but wants the tyres removed first, i've not yet had time to get them removed
anyone wanting the 6 rapid alloys can collect them free from north london, although i will have to ask if the other guy still wants them as he said first, i'd prefer them taken with tires, saves me getting them removed
-> wambobby: if you will stil need that triangle glass in september i am sure i have one at home so i may try to send it by post ...
-> wambobby: Hello, I saw your advertise, that you were selling some alloys for skoda... which was it and what was the price?
i added a pic of my 120L carb, which is fuel mix and which is air mix?