stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Skoda Garde Coupe -1983
-My new project
I'am planning to fix this car before summer. It has been standing last 7 years in the field and has got some rust and other problems.
I will keep this pretty original looking but with some little changes. I think it will be great summer car =) And these Garde Coupes are pretty rare here in Finland so its very nice.
Please comments in English or Finnish =)
More pictures about this project /.../Skoda%20Garde%20Coupe %20-83
And my another car tommi-s-rapid
-My new project
I'am planning to fix this car before summer. It has been standing last 7 years in the field and has got some rust and other problems.
I will keep this pretty original looking but with some little changes. I think it will be great summer car =) And these Garde Coupes are pretty rare here in Finland so its very nice.
Please comments in English or Finnish =)
More pictures about this project /.../Skoda%20Garde%20Coupe %20-83
And my another car tommi-s-rapid
Tommi / Skoda Garde Turbo - komentáře:
-> Tommi S: Very nice new foto. Good job!
Thanks for all kind words
Now i'am just waiting for warm weathers to really enjoy the car. Its still very cold here in Finland. Unlike it was in Praha a week ago. I'am little jealous about the warm weather you guys have.
I will also change the motor to Garde when i have enough time. It has now only 105 standard engine but i'am putting rebuild 130 when i have enough time.

-> Tommi S: wow, very nice car!

This is a best car 

-> ml.vlasta: obávam se že to cos napsal žádnej slovník nepřeleží

Very very beautiful Garde 

-> havlik: Vždyť se ani nedomluví česky. 

-> Tommi S: excelent Garde

to se obávám ale moje angličtina je natakové ůrovni žebych se ani snikím nedomluvil ATD...kdyš ho to bude zajímat tak si to přeloží
-> ml.vlasta: koukam cěstyn je múj kobil co? jinak obávam se že pokud mu to nenapíšeš anglicky tak tomu rozumět nebude

krásný gardéčko fakt pěkní fakt nat tímto slintám takle si přestavují svoje gardéčko ale z menšíma změnama jako kola a a čelo z užovky a žehličky toje moje garde snů aly ty to máš fakt mooooooooooc pěkní slintám... tvoje garde je mý přestavě nejblýš fak to máš pěkný...
-> Tommi S: nice, very nice

-> Tommi S: very, very, very nice car!!! and very nice photos, too

ostřikovače světel na předním nárazníku,machrovinka:-)-
-> Tommi S: Nice, congratulations 

-> Tommi S: Upload asap. Wanna see how it looks like.
-> Nwkt: Yes, Garde is ready for the road now. It succesfully passed the technical inspection and is now road legal =) I will upload pictures of the final appearance soon.
-> Tommi S: Something new?