stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
BMM (SPI) Felicia 1.3 TO S105 - Rapid
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Note: If you have any questions, you can ask me ‘po polsku’ or ‘auf deutsch’ or ‘english’.Today I like to give you a few information’s how to plug a Felicia BMM System to your Skoda 105-Rapid (S1xx).
… Maybe you know, that the Jikov-carburetor is a very resistant carburetor, but sometimes he like to make trouble - especially when you don’t need it.
That’s why I think, that for all-day-us a BMM system is much better then a Jikov - especially in wintertime.
The second cause, why I plug the Felicia engine, is the economic one. This engine is young, is cheap, has 68hp and 102Nm.
So .. I don’t like to write to much, I prepare some pictures … and pictures say sometimes more than hundreds of words.
The most important things for plug the engine:
- buy an engine incl. the whole BMM Electric (you can disconnect the ‘engine electric’ from the rest of the ‘car electric’ close to the ‘carbon-filter’)
- buying the engine, look, that you buy a engine from ‘95/’96 +++ this engines have still the same crank axle like Skoda Favorit engines. Before installing the engine in your car, you have to insert a ball bearing into the crank axle.
- the ECU need to be from ’95 (without immobilizer) .. Otherwise you need additional to the ECU the starter-lock (from the same car) +++ Alternative, if you know the VIN-number of the car where the ECU comes from, you can ask in the Skoda-service to switch off the Immobilizer.
- the gear rim on the fly wheel … you need to change it for a gear rim from S1xx (the change is very simple - you need only a hammer, a chisel and 3min. time) +++ Don't forget !! the fly wheel is dynamically balanced with the crank axle, so it have to be connected back in the same position !! +++ Alternative, if you like to use the Felicia-starter, than you need only to change the position of the Felicia-starter-axle 2,5mm closer to the gearbox-/ crank axle (don’t forget later to block the Felicia starter from the other side, otherwise he will go out of place after the first run)
The plug of the engine is approximate the same like a plug of an Favorit engine … that’s why I don’t like to describe it again … just check the internet :)
to example:
Now we come to the interest part of the Plug – the BMM electric.
- Hall sensor (see picture)
- Lambda sensor (see picture)
- Fuel pump … the best is an external pump with approximate 1,1bar (BMM/SPI)… but to buy such one is not so easy .. That’s why I have a 3bar external-fuel pump (for MPI) Up to now, everything is running well. (Fuel Pump: BOSCH - 0 580 453 911 / 12V (506) 964 14 Czech Republic 3)
- Connection of BMM-electric to the S1xx electric (see the pictures)
EDIT 8.6.2011
New fuel pump out of an Audi 80 ... BOSCH 0580-453-928-941-16
The old pump is broken. I think, its necessary to install an aditional valve in the fuel-pipe. On this way we can avoid, that the fuel run back to the tank and the pump run (when starting engine) dry.
Good luck!
Správce článku: kamikaze440Založeno: 13.05.11 12:32 Poslední změna: 05.12.11 19:47
BMM (SPI) Felicia 1.3 TO S105 - Rapid - komentáře:
Nemal by to kto sem dať v slovenčine ako je to dobre rozpísané len sa trochu s toho neviem vysomáriť...
consumption 03.12.2012
Hamburg city - Berlin city: 310km & 23,6L (no PB95)
Speed on Highway by GPS: 120-125km/h (3800-4000rpm)
so, with a speed of 120km/h the Rapid have a consumption of less than 8L/100km :)
Hamburg city - Berlin city: 310km & 23,6L (no PB95)
Speed on Highway by GPS: 120-125km/h (3800-4000rpm)
so, with a speed of 120km/h the Rapid have a consumption of less than 8L/100km :)
hagios 30.08.12 09:11:28 napsal: I think, that the problem is not in the diameter of the tank outlet,
I changed already the fuel system. now the pump sucking fuel from the tank by a 8mm pipe.
the pump - with 2 filters (one before the pump, and one big behind the pump) - is installed under the battery-box.
now everythink goes well. no problems, no bad noise from the pump :)
yesterday I checked the consumption & I was really suprised!
270km only 14l fuel with a speed of 100km/h = 3000rpm
I changed already the fuel system. now the pump sucking fuel from the tank by a 8mm pipe.
the pump - with 2 filters (one before the pump, and one big behind the pump) - is installed under the battery-box.
now everythink goes well. no problems, no bad noise from the pump :)
yesterday I checked the consumption & I was really suprised!
270km only 14l fuel with a speed of 100km/h = 3000rpm

I think, that the problem is not in the diameter of the tank outlet, then this car would have a consumption, like a tractor
You need to do fuel supply system like in the škoda 135GLi. That´s what I think.

After long time use, the BMM-system is still working without any problems.
I need only to change the fuel-supply-system.
Actually I have connected the fuel pump (inlet diameter of pump - 12mm) direct to the original 6mm outlet of the fuel-tank. this is ordinary working, but because of the big diameter difference, the pump can not take enough fuel and make sometimes bad noise.
Thats why, it's necessary to make a new tank-outlet with a 8-12mm diameter, to make sure, that the pump can take enough fuel. (see last picture's)
the second think is, that it's better to place the fuel-pump somewhere close to the tank.
I need only to change the fuel-supply-system.
Actually I have connected the fuel pump (inlet diameter of pump - 12mm) direct to the original 6mm outlet of the fuel-tank. this is ordinary working, but because of the big diameter difference, the pump can not take enough fuel and make sometimes bad noise.
Thats why, it's necessary to make a new tank-outlet with a 8-12mm diameter, to make sure, that the pump can take enough fuel. (see last picture's)
the second think is, that it's better to place the fuel-pump somewhere close to the tank.
Shatter 24.07.11 18:40:25 napsal: → kamikaze440: you didn't mention the connection of the fuel pump. It should be the gray cable – position 87 on the fuel pump relay. How did you connect the pump?
I connect the fuel pump "+" direct to the original 12V line, which is normaly going to the electromagnet of the Jikov-carburator (electromagnet-fuel-valve )
for the engine diagnostic, I disconnect the fuel-pump ... so that the pump don't need to run permanent.
Shatter 24.07.11 18:40:25 napsal: → kamikaze440:
And also, I thought favorit / felicia BMM has only old 5-pin diagnostics connector. OBD2 came with MPi..How is it?
hmm.. I'am not sure, but as I know, the name of the 16-pin connection is OBD2.
this connection is original out of an Felicia SPI '95 - the diagnostic with VAG-COM is running well
EDIT: today I install a new fuel pump out of an Audi 80 (with monotronic)
BOSCH 0580-453-928-941-16
I think it's necessary to install a valve in the fuel-pipe, to avoid that the fuel run back to tank after switching off the engine.
(It will be better for the pump, if there is still fuel inside)
I connect the fuel pump "+" direct to the original 12V line, which is normaly going to the electromagnet of the Jikov-carburator (electromagnet-fuel-valve )
for the engine diagnostic, I disconnect the fuel-pump ... so that the pump don't need to run permanent.
Shatter 24.07.11 18:40:25 napsal: → kamikaze440:
And also, I thought favorit / felicia BMM has only old 5-pin diagnostics connector. OBD2 came with MPi..How is it?
hmm.. I'am not sure, but as I know, the name of the 16-pin connection is OBD2.
this connection is original out of an Felicia SPI '95 - the diagnostic with VAG-COM is running well
EDIT: today I install a new fuel pump out of an Audi 80 (with monotronic)
BOSCH 0580-453-928-941-16
I think it's necessary to install a valve in the fuel-pipe, to avoid that the fuel run back to tank after switching off the engine.
(It will be better for the pump, if there is still fuel inside)
-> kamikaze440: One more thing I noticed - you didn't mention the connection of the fuel pump. It should be the gray cable - position 87 on the fuel pump relay. How did you connect the pump?
And also, I thought favorit / felicia BMM has only old 5-pin diagnostics connector. OBD2 came with MPi..How is it?
And also, I thought favorit / felicia BMM has only old 5-pin diagnostics connector. OBD2 came with MPi..How is it?
question related a bit to it.
what in case of MPi swap from felicia 1.3 - is it possible to run a motor on (weaker) skoda 130/rapid starter ?
or maybe that will cause that injector in MPi will not open ?
MPi swap is nearly done but we can not run a motor - every single thing is checked.
hall gives signal, pump works, no errors on computer..
what in case of MPi swap from felicia 1.3 - is it possible to run a motor on (weaker) skoda 130/rapid starter ?
or maybe that will cause that injector in MPi will not open ?
MPi swap is nearly done but we can not run a motor - every single thing is checked.
hall gives signal, pump works, no errors on computer..
Si myslim, že je to blbost, naladil bych tam vícebodový systém.
-> kamikaze440: You can buy felicia and conversion kit - it is still producing
ed viko-bremenove-stars120-s- red viko-bremenove-stars120-s- red
"And also the starter can be done easier. Either by buying original 1kW starter for S1×x"
I have such starter :)
...but not everybody in other countrys have the possibilyty to buy this 1kw starter for S1xx. Thats why I show how to change the felicia starter.
"only I don't know why did you disconnect original felicia fusebox+relay"
... I buy only this part of the Electric. never mind, I show only one possibility to connect the BMM to S1xx - it work's, so it is OK :)
I have such starter :)
...but not everybody in other countrys have the possibilyty to buy this 1kw starter for S1xx. Thats why I show how to change the felicia starter.
"only I don't know why did you disconnect original felicia fusebox+relay"
... I buy only this part of the Electric. never mind, I show only one possibility to connect the BMM to S1xx - it work's, so it is OK :)
very interesting, only I don't know why did you disconnect original felicia fusebox+relay, it's directly on the cables, so you just need to connect the cables at the socket (image 5) to the S1xx electrics as you described it.
And also the starter can be done easier. Either by buying original 1kW starter for S1xx or by changing starter pinion
And also the starter can be done easier. Either by buying original 1kW starter for S1xx or by changing starter pinion