stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
SKODA 100 S 1976 - My father first owner
motor original - 988 cm2 42 CP
secondary motor from skoda 130
tires 155/65/14 TOYO
motor original - 988 cm2 42 CP
secondary motor from skoda 130
tires 155/65/14 TOYO
BARO - komentáře:
I made a change to install this steering whel when the original broken in two parts.

-> BARO: thanks, and it fits without some kind of re-make ?
-> Power of Bass: www.foltyn.cz/car/.../sko
-> BARO: thx now i understand it :)
Karlos - no to mi nedošlo,že by se tam přesunul chladič,nepřemyšlel jsem nad tuningem :) i tak by v te kapotě diry byt nemusely.. 120cy to namaj a taky to funguje ne... jako by ten kufr už tak nebyl maly :) ale proti gustu... (když jsme tu koukal dopoledne tuším tu totiž votky podvozku s trubkama ješte nebyly :) )
Karlos - no to mi nedošlo,že by se tam přesunul chladič,nepřemyšlel jsem nad tuningem :) i tak by v te kapotě diry byt nemusely.. 120cy to namaj a taky to funguje ne... jako by ten kufr už tak nebyl maly :) ale proti gustu... (když jsme tu koukal dopoledne tuším tu totiž votky podvozku s trubkama ješte nebyly :) )
steering whell is from Renault/Dacia
for Power of Bass
from the same reason whitch SKODA moved cooling in front of car starting with 120 models: better cooling.
the holes does not produce mess because I made a wall partitions between cooling systems and luggage compartment.
Another reason is I want a bigger motor for my car and the rear cooling is unsatisfactory
from the same reason whitch SKODA moved cooling in front of car starting with 120 models: better cooling.
the holes does not produce mess because I made a wall partitions between cooling systems and luggage compartment.
Another reason is I want a bigger motor for my car and the rear cooling is unsatisfactory
-> Power of Bass: Náporové chlazení?
-> Peťo_120gL_NZ-sk: Some buses have same looking steering wheel.
-> Peťo_120gL_NZ-sk: Some buses have same looking steering wheel.
Nice car, but I donť understand the useless holes in the front hood - good enought only for water and other mess in luggage compartment .. when it´s car with engine in back

beautiful kilo
interesting steering wheel - I ve never seen similar before 

It looks nice... I like the front bumper idea :)