stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Hello everybody! This is my Skoda 1000 MB` 66. It took a lot time and money for me and my father to restore that car. As you can see there is still a lot work to be done on it. My father has bought the car in 1966 from "Mototehnika" - the local Skoda dealer. During the years it became a part of our family. In the year 2000 my father started gradually to restore the car - first he replaced the floor panels, than refurbished the engine , the the clutch, the front suspension, steering mechanism and in the spring of 2005 - the body and paintwork had been finished(unfortunately not very profesional).I guess you know that this six years` restoration period is a result of financial problems :). Now I use "Grandmother Skoda" as an everyday car and she makes me feel very happy :P. Best wishes :)!
Gogata 1000 MB - komentáře:
very nice skoda!! I just have bought one and want to restore it, you can see it in gallery. Greetings and restore it properly

-> Gogata BG: Hello, this is nice Skoda 1000 MB. I have too Skoda 1000 MB of the model year 1966 and number of car body is: 090791. And which is number of you´re car body - Skoda 1000MB? My Skoda was made 28.January 1966 and you´re? Thanks for answer. Bye Mirek

Really nice car you have there I have one in England too
-> sliwowitz: there is no pressure lubricator in my MB`s valve cover, that`s the oil filler neck, which acctually makes filling oil in the engne much easier than the "normal" filler neck. The car came out of the factory with that valve cover and it has never been replased or modified. May be there is a small number of cars with this type of oil filler neck, because since now I`ve seen only one MB with the same one.

i am sorry, my vocabulary of english machine-building terminology is poor...
i tried to say, that originaly the valve cover looked like this:
skoda.stable.cz/cz/index. php?id=4&i...
and somebody took an pressure lubricator (in slovak language = dekalamitka):
www.aukro.cz/item15756660 6_univerzalni_pritlacny_ma zaci_lis.html
and welded it together with the valve cover...
and i ask why???

i tried to say, that originaly the valve cover looked like this:
skoda.stable.cz/cz/index. php?id=4&i...
and somebody took an pressure lubricator (in slovak language = dekalamitka):
www.aukro.cz/item15756660 6_univerzalni_pritlacny_ma zaci_lis.html
and welded it together with the valve cover...
and i ask why???

-> Tuxik: Thank you
-> sliwowitz: Sorry, but I really don`t understand what are you talking about

-> sliwowitz: Sorry, but I really don`t understand what are you talking about

-> Gogata BG: -> Gogata BG: translation:
heh... that weld end of dekalmit(? i dont know how to translate this) on valve casing i had on one of my car... whats the purpose of it ???
btw nice car
heh... that weld end of dekalmit(? i dont know how to translate this) on valve casing i had on one of my car... whats the purpose of it ???
btw nice car

sliwowitz 14.01.07 00:14:29 napsal: heh... ten navareny konec z dekalamitky na ventildeklu som mal aj aj na jednom aute... jaky to ma ucel???
kuwa prelozte to ktosi...
inac krasivaja masina...
Can anyone translate this in English for me, please? Thanks in advance
kuwa prelozte to ktosi...
inac krasivaja masina...
Can anyone translate this in English for me, please? Thanks in advance

heh... ten navareny konec z dekalamitky na ventildeklu som mal aj aj na jednom aute... jaky to ma ucel???
kuwa prelozte to ktosi...
inac krasivaja masina...
kuwa prelozte to ktosi...
inac krasivaja masina...

Thanks to all of you!
very good
Very good car!!:)
-> Gogata BG: Hi, your father was very clever
many people try to buy some spare parts, but it is not so easy at this time...but before 30 years
I don´t want to forget that your car is really princess

I don´t want to forget that your car is really princess

Packa, thanks!
Here in Bulgaria there are may be 5 or 6 good looking 1000 MBs. Actually, I almost don`t have to buy spare parts, because 30 years ago my father had been in Praga with the Green princes (at that time she had been gray), where he bougth enourmous amount of spare parts
. Believe it or not - it`s true, now I have two big cupboards full of MB spare parts. Ofcourse many parts are from 105/120 L. And by the way, your white MB is so cool!

It is a super oldtime car. Her name is green princess? Nice nice. In czech language I sey super embeso. This is first time when i see 1000mb from bulgaria land in skoda virt.
How buy other parts for this car in your land.
This is wery hard hobby for you.
Good by and nice drive your green princess.
How buy other parts for this car in your land.
This is wery hard hobby for you.
Good by and nice drive your green princess.

Very well done although it must be difficult to get spare parts for such an old Czech car in Bulgaria. My thumbs up!