stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Favorit 135 LSe Sport Line 91' with removed catalysator, and changed carburateur to Pierburg 2E
FAV135 - komentáře:
En las carreteras de mi pais los Favorit son ya coches raros. Mi Favorit de color marron llama la atencion de la gente que circula por la calle ya que es extraño su color y modelo no conocido. Saludos.

My car is still used, I don't want it finish on junkyard. That's unique model, so even in case or accident I would take any unique parts I could and sell to another favorit fan which could use it in his car. In Poland nowadays there are not so many favorit on roads and most of them are in very poor condition. In few years this might be rare car. I hope this one will survive.
nemožem si pomoct, ale toto je asi najkrajší favorit na týchto stránkach. ktovie ako skončil...dúfam, že v polsku nemaju šrotovné...
Já mam fávo 1993 a mam tam i manuální sytič ale podle předchozího majitele tam byl dodělanej dodatečně...
-> wisastar: To je manuální ovládání sytiče. Některý favoriti to tak měli. Kámoš měl fáčko z roku tuším 1992 a taky měl manuální sytič.
I don't have troubles with emission test, since in Poland all Skoda Favorit cars sold before 93 didn't have catalysator. My car had catalysator because it is Limited Edition, which was sold in western Europe. In Poland most Favorit are version L or LX. Models LS are rare and GLX are very rare. Limited edition wasn't even sold in Poland, so there exist very limited number which were recently imported to Poland.
In case of emission test it is checked only year of production and first registration in Poland, so for my car catalysator is not required.
In case of emission test it is checked only year of production and first registration in Poland, so for my car catalysator is not required.
kamo ty nevies ze brzdove dosticky sa daju aj menit
..za toto by si si zasluzil

very nice. Do you have troubles with the emission test in your country due to the removed cat and replaced carb?
hele co to tam je pod ovladanim hladiny svetel???
vot??? teda What???