Radza 15.06.12 19:04:55 napsal:
Hi Runar.
Take a picture, too S130, whether it is something to see how the Skoda care in
Iceland :-)
Skoda 120 is really beautiful, keep up!
Děkuji, budu dělat, že :)
stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Here's my sköda, I'm icelandic and my aunt bought it in 1992 :D and in 2007 she gave me it :)
It's driven 49.067 miles. ;) and nearly no rust! :D :O
It's driven 49.067 miles. ;) and nearly no rust! :D :O
Rúnar - komentáře:
Hi Runar.
Take a picture, too S130, whether it is something to see how the Skoda care in Iceland :-)
Skoda 120 is really beautiful, keep up!
Take a picture, too S130, whether it is something to see how the Skoda care in Iceland :-)
Skoda 120 is really beautiful, keep up!
NICE :-)
ondie 15.12.11 00:56:00 napsal:
→ Runar576: ok:) ..and your speedometer is in kmh or
mph ?
can't remember hehe:)
→ Runar576: ok:) ..and your speedometer is in kmh or
mph ?
can't remember hehe:)
-> Runar576: ok:) ..and your speedometer is in kmh or mph ?
ondie 14.12.11 14:35:43 napsal:
Runar576 14.12.11 04:27:51 napsal:
It's driven 49.067 miles.
You have miles to Iceland?
Here and waiting for the right hand driving.
But Skoda nice, seems well preserved..

Yes:) Thank you. no, i think we have KM maybe. :D
Vit Herman - Thanks :P And yes, there is much snow, My skoda has been standing inside since 2004 ;) and it's in a heated garage, so it doesn't ruch as must as cars that are outside but i like your Skoda expedition:D just do it in the summer .
Runar576 14.12.11 04:27:51 napsal:
It's driven 49.067 miles.
You have miles to Iceland?
Here and waiting for the right hand driving.
But Skoda nice, seems well preserved..

Yes:) Thank you. no, i think we have KM maybe. :D
Vit Herman - Thanks :P And yes, there is much snow, My skoda has been standing inside since 2004 ;) and it's in a heated garage, so it doesn't ruch as must as cars that are outside but i like your Skoda expedition:D just do it in the summer .
-> Runar576: mjög fallegur Skoda! OK, I'm afraid that's all Icelandic that I can do (with google translator anyway)
Seems incredible that it's in such a nice shape with all the snow you guys have there. How are icelandic roads? I'd like to make a Skoda-expedition there one day, but I was warned that roads are sometimes quite rough.

Seems incredible that it's in such a nice shape with all the snow you guys have there. How are icelandic roads? I'd like to make a Skoda-expedition there one day, but I was warned that roads are sometimes quite rough.
Runar576 14.12.11 04:27:51 napsal:
It's driven 49.067 miles.
You have miles to Iceland?
Here and waiting for the right hand driving.
But Skoda nice, seems well preserved..

It's driven 49.067 miles.
You have miles to Iceland?
Here and waiting for the right hand driving.
But Skoda nice, seems well preserved..

They're really good here in the winter! btw! ;)
Yeah, ondi:) I know another guy , he has two Skodas, 120 LS '80 and a 130 L '85 :D
I love Skodas
I love Skodas
-> Runar576: Hi, it is amazing that even in Iceland is found CS car .. it's really great.
I am even happier that there are fans of Škoda cars in Iceland
..what is the Skoda in Iceland in the winter? .. rear wheel drive is good?
I am even happier that there are fans of Škoda cars in Iceland

..what is the Skoda in Iceland in the winter? .. rear wheel drive is good?
Hello, very nice skoda Estelle. I wish to have such a car in the u.k.

Matsoft 13.12.11 23:19:58 napsal:
nice car. Not so much of Them on Iceland, is it right? What about spare parts? Hard to buy? Give us more info.
Thanks:) Not many here... probably around 20 in total. :/ but parts are not hard to find from used skodas. But new parts would be harder to find... much harder probably.
And yes, the ones left are not in good shape.. maaany of them have been standing since the 90's. But they aren't expensive.
nice car. Not so much of Them on Iceland, is it right? What about spare parts? Hard to buy? Give us more info.
Thanks:) Not many here... probably around 20 in total. :/ but parts are not hard to find from used skodas. But new parts would be harder to find... much harder probably.
And yes, the ones left are not in good shape.. maaany of them have been standing since the 90's. But they aren't expensive.
nice car. Not so much of them on Iceland, is it right? What about spare parts? Hard to buy? Give us more info.